
Drip Campaigns Alternatives

Drip campaign refers to a communication strategy where a series of automated emails are sent to customers based on their actions.

What is a Drip Campaign?

Drip campaign refers to a communication strategy where a series of automated emails are sent to customers based on their actions. These emails are sent on specific times and dates.

They help you to stay connected with groups of people based on actions like when a user signs up, a welcome email is sent immediately and the series continues with another email going out 2 days later, another going out a week later.

Importance of Drip campaign

The most common form of drip campaign is email marketing, favoured due to minimal cost associated with sending multiple messages over time. Companies use drip campaigns to stay in touch with the audience in a personalized and strategic way.

Drip campaigns can help you shoot up sales by transforming prospective visitors into buyers, engaging customers to repeat purchases, and reigniting interest of inactive audiences. By communicating your company’s value, you build a relationship with your audience and demonstrate that you’re a great resource for their needs.

The content is usually:

  1. Prewritten and automated
  2. Sent on a fixed schedule in response to the audience action
  3. Highlighting important engagement points

How to select the best email marketing app for Drip campaign

Choosing an app that can fulfill all your requirements is not easy. Drip campaign holds a prominent role in expanding and building a strong market for the company. There are many apps available in the market but finding the right one is a daunting task.

To ease your dilemma, you can refer to certain features listed below:

  1. Email personalization is necessary in building intimate experience for your list subscribers.

  2. Segmentation is a must so that the emails are sent only to potential subscribers. At the primary level, it might look like a welcome email sent to new subscribers. One can also use tags to locate subscribers who've purchased a particular product, visited a link in an email and so on.

  3. Analytics play an integral part. It helps you analyze what is working and where you can improve. The tools available on this list include basic analytics.

  4. Affordability is crucial because you don't need to empty your pockets to get results. The app should have a reasonable starting price point. This is where you'll have to play smart.

  5. Integrations aids you to connect your email drip campaign to other tech tools. This allows you oomph up your email sending strategy by reducing manual labour.

Alternatives for Drip campaign

  1. Mailchimp:

Many apps offer free services for small subscriber lists and this is where Mailchimp stands out by providing a free plan which allows up to 2,000 subscribers and 10,000 monthly emails. The high number of monthly emails is important for reaching new subscribers by sending them welcome emails.

The app ranges from elementary email sending and automations to advanced options like sending out postcards. The Creative Assistant feature is unique as it auto-creates branded marketing graphics based on the image of your website.

  1. Flodesk:

Flodesk is a great alternative to Mailchimp.You have to pay a one time monthly fee (currently $38) irrespective of how many people are present on your list or how many emails you send per month. The interface is simple to use.

The moment you log in, you get a smooth interface experience and four self-explanatory menu items to choose from: Emails, Forms, Audience and Workflows. All drip campaigns are formed by using Workflows. If budget is your major concern, Flodesk is a great alternative to Mailchimp.

  1. ConvertKit:

ConvertKit is easy to use and rich in features.In their free trial, you can send emails, create landing pages and opt-in forms. You can even market products from ConvertKit.

You can unlock the drip campaign function by using a paid account. It permits you to customize your automations with delays on the basis of the location of the subscribe and dates.

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